Writers, Editors, Researchers, Designers, Social Media Managers, Communication Consultants
With decades of combined experience, we promise…

…communication with legs!

Leaders today are faced with unprecedented and unpredictable change. At Alliance Communications, we understand that poor communication often contributes to the resulting confusion and chaos, and that effective communication can be the perfect antidote.

Communication that informs, inspires, and mobilizes positive change amidst rapid transformation is the lifeblood of successful organizations and communities everywhere. They understand that meaningful and fruitful communication helps them:

  • Build relationships and camaraderie
  • Increase productivity and morale
  • Enable and encourage collaboration and innovation
  • Attract and retain employees / citizens / customers
  • Engage with stakeholders to explore their insights and ideas for positive change.

These organizations and communities also appreciate that good communication doesn’t happen by chance. It must be:

  • Embedded strategically
  • Enabled by progressive policies and best practices
  • Sustained by a pro-communication environment and culture
  • Reinforced by continual training, monitoring, evaluation, and refinement
  • Supported by leading-edge tactics, tools, and technologies.

Alliance Communications can help enlighten and activate your move toward more real and robust communication. With more than 25 years experience and scores of happy clients (primarily in the local government sector), we look forward to exploring the strategies, tactics, and tools that will best meet your changing communication needs for internal and external audiences. Let’s talk today!

Ask about our presentation, 5 Steps Toward Enriched & Fruitful Communication. Guaranteed to trigger enlightening conversations about your need for improved communication and potential solutions, it can be delivered in person or via webinar to your board, council, and/or leadership team.


Research by the University of Victoria’s Project Management Institute shows that of the projects and organizations that fail, 30 percent do so because of poor communication!

George Bernard Shaw said, "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."

"The proper words in the proper places are the true definition of style," said Jonathan Swift.

Writers, Editors, Researchers, Designers, Social Media Managers, Communication Consultants
Writers, Editors, Researchers, Designers, Social Media Managers, Communication Consultants


Good communication is both art and science. It reflects originality, industry best practices, and emerging trends and technologies―all while being practical and affordable.

Whatever your communication needs, we’ll help you send the right messages, to the right audiences, at the right times, through the right channels. More specifically, we offer communications audits and plans, branding and key messaging, public education and engagement, research, writing, editing, design, photography, videos, and web content.

We also offer workshops to help clients improve organizational success by exploring the crucial connections between communication and corporate culture, leadership, creativity, innovation, collaboration, and sustainability.

Our services are tailored specifically for organizations from different sectors: business, government, and nonprofits.


Good communication is a team sport! To that end, we’ve assembled a strong network of communications professionals who bring unique insights and ideas to every project, no matter how big or small. These longstanding relationships, and their celebrated outcomes, reflect the strength of our commitment to creative collaboration.

In keeping with the Japanese proverb that says, “none of us is as smart as all of us,” we optimize innovation through teamwork in all areas of planning, research, writing, editing, and design.

Writers, Editors, Researchers, Designers, Social Media Managers, Communication Consultants
Writers, Editors, Researchers, Designers, Social Media Managers, Communication Consultants


Good communication knows no boundaries. It’s equally important to people from government, business, academia, and the nonprofit sector as they engage with their particular stakeholders, and with each other.

For almost 25 years, we’ve had the great fortune of working with many client partners from all sectors. Some are regular supporters, while others have become great friends. But all have helped create the foundation upon which our solid understanding of internal and external communications is built.

Our extensive portfolio shows how we’ve learned to customize the approach, tone, style, and format of each project to meet clients’ diverse wants and needs.


We can unlock your full potential.